Dana Barsky

Managing Director, Credit Suisse, Impact Advisory and Finance (IAF) Department

Dana Barsky is a Managing Director of Credit Suisse in the Sustainability Strategy, Advisory and Finance (SSAF) department, based in London. She is the Chief Operating Officer and Head of Sustainable Products and Partnerships. In her COO capacity, she oversees the strategy and activities of the group. In her product and partnership capacity, Dana works with the private and public sectors to create products and promote and finance projects that help close the funding gaps in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The SSAF department is responsible for setting the strategy as well as directing, coordinating and facilitating activities across the bank that leads to sustainable finance on behalf of the bank’s private wealth, institutional and corporate clients.

Dana initially joined Credit Suisse through Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette in 1995 as an associate in the mergers and acquisition group within investment banking. During her career, she has advised companies across a wide variety of sectors including technology, consumer products, healthcare, industrial products and retail. In her last position at Credit Suisse before joining the SSAF department, Dana served as the Head of U.S. Defense. In her years before re-joining Credit Suisse in 2017, Dana assisted the founding partners of Sagent Advisors in launching that M&A boutique, which was subsequently acquired by Daiwa Securities. In addition, Dana was a Managing Director at Golden Seeds, an investment firm focused on opportunities for early-stage women-led businesses.

Dana graduated from the George Washington University and received her MBA with Distinction in 1995 from Harvard Business School.